From: tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tcf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Oberhuber, Martin
Sent: Freitag, 23. Mai 2014 18:00
To: TCF Development (tcf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: [tcf-dev] TCF ramp-down for Luna ! Change plans to use 1.3 ?
Importance: High
Dear TCF committers,
Here is an announcement and a question : Please read carefully and reply ASAP.
The Luna release is fast approaching – RC2 to be closed next week, and then only 2 more weeks to go until RC4 which is the final build.
For TCF, our plan had been to release Luna off tcf-1.2 which was forked off on 2014-02-25 already.
Now it turned out that Luna is a great opportunity to win Community attention (and thus potentially contributors) by
exposing our Terminal feature. I have published the TCF Terminals feature on Eclipse Marketplace only 1 week ago,
and within that week we’ve received 138 installs , 2 “stars” and a slight, but visible increase of traffic on our homepage.
Try it out if you haven’t yet, give us a “star” on marketplace if you like it, and vote us up on StackOverflow:
The point is, that in order to get to the current Terminal’s quality a very large number of changes was needed on the TCF-1.3 stream
And therefore I’d like to change plans and release Luna off the TCF-1.3 stream.
Since TCF-1.2 has never officially been released, here’s what I would like to do for the host-side (Java) code:
Rebase the “1.2” branch in git onto current HEAD
As an alternative, abandon 1.2 and create a new 1.2 branch on HEAD
In the new 1.2 branch, revert version numbers to “1.2”
Revert any other potentially dangerous commits that are “not ready” for Luna
From that point on, apply stringent testing and change control on the 1.2 branch.
So first question to committers … do you agree with that plan ?
If yes, then I need your help on point 3 : Which – if any – commits should we revert for 1.2 ?
I personally only saw one to be discussed (“discontinue support of 0.4 and older agents”) which is something that we’d need to announce to the community before releasing:
But there might be other changes to consider taking back.
Please let me know what you think ASAP !!
Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Owner – Development Tools,
Wind River
direct +43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6