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[swtchart-dev] SWTChart - Custom Charts

Hi folks,

I have created a new bundle for custom charts, see:

Why? The bundle "org.eclipse.swtchart.extensions" contains the generic, but extended Line-, Scatter- and Barcharts. If a developer likes to create his/her own charts, he/she doesn't necessarily need to fetch all custom charts. The new bundle is used to develop and maintain charts, which are used in many contexts like the PCA chart, which is derived from the scatter chart.

Due to compatibility reasons, the bundle "org.eclipse.swtchart.extensions.examples" has not been renamed. The SWTChart library is modular. Select the jars you just need for you application:

org.eclipse.swtchart (basic charts)
org.eclipse.swtchart.extensions (flexible configuration via chart settings)
org.eclipse.swtchart.customcharts (PCA Chart, ...)
org.eclipse.swtchart.export (basic export functionality ... no dependencies)
org.eclipse.swtchart.export.extended (extended export: AWT, Apache Batik ... as dependencies required)


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