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[swtbot-dev] Removing GitHub repo mirror?

Hi all,

I don't know if you're aware of it, but SWTBot Git repository as a mirror at GitHub: . We originally created it just because "GitHub is nice".
However, having a repo at GitHub has a major pitfall: people who only know GitHub will use Pull Requests (PR) to contribute. However, GitHub PR are not monitored by any of the contributors AFAIK, and I wouldn't want to force anyone to monitor it (additionally to forum, ML, Bugzilla & Gerrit). So there is a risk of someone submitting a PR and no-one noticing it. The consequence is that:
* project looks inactive
* project misses a contribution
Both are totally not acceptable for SWTBot (and any community project in general).

So I'd like to get rid of this mirror, and let people who want to contribute go through a quick research first and find the page which tells them the official media for contributions.

Committers, please +1 or -1 this. If we get more than 3 "+1"s then I'll ask Eclipse Foundation folks to remove this mirror.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
My blog - My Tweets

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