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Re: [swtbot-dev] SWT Recorder & Generator functions

Hi all,

FYI, we just merged recently a change proposed by Rastislav which allows users of the Recorder/Generator to plug alternative (and more powerful dialogs) to replace the default one provided by the recorder. Here is the related bug and change:
The goal is to keep default dialog very generic and with as few dependencies as possible to ensure Generator framework and default dialog can work in any SWTBot use-case (without a workbench for example). I guess Rastislav will soon contribute a more powerful dialog (from a new plugin) which interacts with JDT and other Eclipse IDE functionalities to enhance productivity.

I think such a new dialog should be part of the org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse feature, which provides the extensions for IDE (such as the Launch Configuration), and we could decide of a menu where to insert an entry to open the recorder. I've been thinking of either:
* Window > "Open Recorder..." (above Preferences), or
* Help > "Open Recorder..." (above Eclipse Marketplace) as this is the location where JBoss Tools did plug its "Report Problem" entry.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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