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[swordfish-dev] Deployment to registry - error

Hi Swordfish developers,


My Name is Peter Merkač and I'm quite new to swordfish, but allready I have seen, that it could help me with implementation.

The thing is, that we would like to implement the BiPRO (which is a german standard for stardized communication of Acquisition Agents with insurance companies) conform services for an insurance company. I have already created an example of service provider for Property insurance premium calculation, but I just cannot deploy it to the sf registry.


The following error is raised

Error in Service Registry Upload: [400] Body does not contain a valid WSDL.



Retrieving schema at 'SachenService-2.1.0.xsd'.


Signaling that SachenService-2.1.0.xsd would be in incorrect format. Could you help me with it or is there a possibility to discover the actual point of wrong format?

The service being deployed is BiPROServiceDefinitions\SachenService\SachenService-2.1.0.wsdl.


The second question, that is concerning me is whether would it be feasible to use the swordfish framework in our project of developing BiPRO conform services?


Many thanks for your help.



Lep pozdrav / Kind regards

Peter Merkač
SW Developer

COR&FJA OdaTeam d.o.o. 
I  Podjetje skupine COR&FJA
Titova cesta 8
Sl-2000 Maribor
E-mail: peter.merkac@xxxxxxxxxxx  I


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Vodenje podjetja: Andrej Kline, Michael Kleemann


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