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Re: [sumo-user] R: Combination of duarouter and dfrouter

To have cars that drive all over the network based on a few counting locations you need to load an initial route file that
- covers the whole network
- doesn't contain to many "short' routes (i.e. --min-distance)
It may help to set routeSampler option --min-count to force vehicles to drive over multiple locations

You can use routeSampler option --taz-files and --od-files to enforce taz-based counts. (
It may help to use routes initial routes that come from od2trips + duarouter to ensure that you have routes between the relevant taz edges


Am Fr., 5. Juli 2024 um 10:13 Uhr schrieb Federico De Falco via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
I have tried with routesampler, but I don't understand exactly what to pass to it. I generated the file with induction loops counts, but cars drive only on those streets and not on the other streets. So I tried to add the --total-count param, but then I cannot specify how many vehicles start from each zone. If I use TAZ based counts, I need to specify a from baut I want it to be random...maybe I need to write a custom python script that fills randomly the from parameter and then use TAZ file in combination with Edge counts and --total-count?

Da: Federico De Falco
Inviato: giovedì 4 luglio 2024 13:17
A: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Oggetto: Combination of duarouter and dfrouter
I have always used duarouter to generate routes, using SumoPY and the button Demand --> Trips and routes --> Duarouter stochastic assignment. Now I need to do the same thing, but with some constraints that are given by an induction loop and some contraint on O-D zones. So for example I have three zones A, B and C and multiple streets that go from one to another; I know the number of vehicles that get in and out of each zone (but NOT origin-destination couples) and the number of vehicles that drive over the induction loop. Is there a way, using standard tools (like for example dfrouter) to generate routes based only on those numbers? I need them to be generated randomly, so for example if 100 vehicles get out of zone A I don't know how many of them go to B and to C, I need this to be random BUT respecting the induction loop constraint.







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