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[sumo-user] Geo coordinates

I have a question. I got a map from OSM webwizard and this is information in the generated net file.

    <location netOffset="-556346.00,-4765337.00" convBoundary="0.00,0.00,60045.24,51972.26" origBoundary="-82.369472,42.949606,-79.569114,43.507382" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=17 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>

I used this code to find geo coordinates of x=0 and y=0:

import pyproj

# Define the projection
proj_utm = pyproj.Proj(proj="utm", zone=17, ellps="WGS84", datum="WGS84", units="m", no_defs=True)

# Define the offset
net_offset_x = -556346.00
net_offset_y = -4765337.00

# Calculate the UTM coordinates for x=0, y=0
utm_x = net_offset_x
utm_y = net_offset_y

# Convert UTM coordinates to geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude)
lon, lat = proj_utm(utm_x, utm_y, inverse=True)
(lat, lon)

However, this code returns Latitude: 43.03857438535148 and Longitude: -82.369472, while in NetEdit I see that for x=0 and y=0, the coordinates are 43.038632, 30.808277. I would like to know where my mistake is.  

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