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Re: [sumo-user] Statistics

For travel times see (
For average number of stops you can use (attribute waitingCount), 
To get the average waitingCount over all trips, call 
   python sumo/tools/output/ tripinfos.xml -a waitingCount -x result.xml
In fact you can also call
  python sumo/tools/output/ tripinfos.xml -a waitingCount,duration -x result.xml
to get both averages from the same simulation output file (tripinfos.xml)

Am Do., 27. Juni 2024 um 17:21 Uhr schrieb Andreas Lenhardt via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

I would like to collect some statistics after/during running my reinforcement learning.
For the vehicles in my network I need to collect these values:
  • average travel times
  • average number of stops
Unfortunately, I am not sure how to get these measurements correctly and in an efficient way.
Should I use subscriptions here?
The ideal solution would be collecting these values once the simulation has finished running, and then check how often the vehicles stopped and how long they were travelling and then build the mean.
Are there any built-in functions for these variables for vehicles?

Thanks and kind regards

Mit besten Grüßen
Andreas Lenhardt
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