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[sumo-user] Vehicles do not resume driving after a stop using "setStop" in TraCI

Hello, SUMO community,

I would appreciate any help on my issue.

In my scenario, I want vehicles to stop for several seconds when they enter a specific edge and then resume driving. For that, I am using TraCI with the ‘setStop’ function and a dictionary to store the ‘hasStopped’ value for vehicles that have already stopped. But after making a stop, the vehicle does not resume driving and the simulation runs indefinitely. What could be the problem here?


Best Regards,

Here is my code:

class EvaluationVehicle:
"""Data container class for the individual vehicles. Stores all relevant data for the Evaluation vehicle-related."""

def __init__(self, id, type): = id
self.type = type
self.hasStopped = False

def run():
    start =

# create empty dictionaries to store data
vehicleMap = {}

# begin and end times of the simulation in seconds from 00:00
begin = 0
end = 4000
seed = 1

# set parking entrance edge ID and parking exit edge ID
pEntrEdgeID = "988716348.13"
nextToEntryID = "988716348.13.3"

# start Traci
traci.start(["sumo-gui", "-n", "",
"-r", "osm.bicycle.trips.xml",
"-a", "parking.add.xml",
"--step-length", "0.25",
"--delay", "250",
"--parking.maneuver", "true",
"-b", f"{begin}", "-e", f"{end}", "--seed", f"{seed}"])

while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:

        # get the list of vehicles currently in the simulation
vehIdList = traci.vehicle.getIDList()

# loop over each vehicle in the simulation
for vehicle_id in vehIdList:
            vehEdgeID = traci.vehicle.getRoadID(vehicle_id)
            vehType = traci.vehicle.getTypeID(vehicle_id)

# check if the vehicle ID is not in vehicleMap
if vehicle_id not in vehicleMap:
# if not, create an EvaluationVehicle object for the vehicle and store it in vehicleMap
vehicleMap[str(vehicle_id)] = EvaluationVehicle(str(vehicle_id), str(vehType))

# If the vehicle enters the edge and has not stopped before, stop it for a specific time
if vehEdgeID == pEntrEdgeID and not vehicleMap[str(vehicle_id)].hasStopped:
stop_time = 2
traci.vehicle.setStop(vehID=vehicle_id, edgeID=nextToEntryID,
pos=1, laneIndex=0, duration=stop_time, flags=2)
str(vehicle_id)].hasStopped = True

# close simulation

if __name__ == '__main__':



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