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Re: [sumo-user] rail face to face jamming

It looks like one of the trains got inserted on the wrong side of the double track line. To avoid this you need to prevent the wrong edges being used as source / destination
This is best done by setting up edge weights file to be loaded with option --weights-prefix  
 - give weight 0 to wrong-direction edges in the .src.xml and dst.xml
  - or only include the edges that you want to be sources/destinations in the weights files (missing edges get weight 0 automatically)

To avoid the trains from switching to the wrong side of the double-track line, see

Am Mi., 27. März 2024 um 20:09 Uhr schrieb Hector A Martinez via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dear sumo community,


I have a network where I am having challenges with random trips for rail that creates the following type of jam where trains coming at each other face to face get stuck:

These are bidirectional rail lines.


And this creates this type of jamming:


Any script available that deconflicts the rail signals to avoid these jamming on the rail that also crosses over to the roadways that intercept the rail?




Hector A. Martinez, P.E.

MITRE | Solving Problems for a Safer World (R)



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