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Re: [sumo-user] randomTrips error

- you can only pass a single value for option --vehicle-class. If you want to get traffic for different classes, you have to call randomTrips multiple times.
  - you should set --vclass as well as --vehicle-class options
  - if you run randomTrips multiple times, set the --prefix option with different values to avoid name clashes
  - look at build.bat from osmWebWizard for how to generate multiple classes correctly

- the error regarding the unloadable file is still unclear to me. Please post the first 100 lines of the file trips.trips.xml

Am Mi., 6. März 2024 um 19:58 Uhr schrieb Hector A Martinez via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dear Sumo community,


I am getting an error when I try to create randomTrips for my sim.  Here is my script:

python "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\" -n ..\ -e 259200 --fringe-factor 25 --insertion-density 50 --random-depart --validate --trip-attributes="departLane=\"best\" departSpeed=\"max\" departPos=\"random\"" --vehicle-class bus coach delivery truck trailer motorcycle taxi passenger emergency


And here is my error:

Error: The loader for route-files from file 'trips.trips.xml' could not be initialised ('--' sequence is illegal in comment

In file 'trips.trips.xml'

At line/column 7/92.


Quitting (on error).

Error: The loader for route-files from file 'trips.trips.xml' could not be initialised ('--' sequence is illegal in comment

In file 'trips.trips.xml'

At line/column 7/92.


Quitting (on error).


I suspect the problem is that my script is not organized properly. I would like to generate traffic from all of the possible classes of vehicles that the network would accept and not sure if I am doing this correctly.


Any guidance that may get me out of this hole will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


Hector A. Martinez, P.E.

MITRE | Solving Problems for a Safer World (R)



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