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Re: [sumo-user] NEMA controller issues in netconvert

1 We do have tests where ring and barrier params are created automatically (see Please provide example input where an invalid  NEMA controller is written to the network.
2. This is the fallback if the existing guess-a-NEMA-controller code fails. If you can provide an example input along with a definition of the expected NEMA controller I can try to improve the code.


Am Mi., 28. Feb. 2024 um 14:11 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,

I am trying to define all my traffic signals as a NEMA type but I am
facing two issues:
1- Rings and barrierPhases are not automatically defined so I get an
error in SUMO complainging bout it.
2- Some junctions seem to be "actuated" type even when I set
tls.default-type NEMA in netconvert (see attached screenshot)
Any suggestions how I could fix this?

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