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[sumo-user] [Sumo] Question about traffic generation



as part of my research, I have created a Sumo network and implemented a speed adaption algorithm. Now I would like to evaluate this algorithm for different traffic densities, for example 100, 500 and 1000 veh/h.


To do so, I use the following commands to generate the traffic.


  • -n -b 0 -e 3600 --fringe-factor 10 -p 3.6 -o random.trips.xml
    • Formula: -b t0 -e t1 -p ((t1 - t0) / n) à To let n vehicles depart between times t0 and t1
  • duarouter -n --route-files random.trips.xml -o random.rou.xml --ignore-errors


However, with “duarouter” I do not get the desired number of vehicles per hour, because some vehicles are filtered out due to invalid routes.

Is there any way to avoid this so that I can directly get the desired number of vehicles per hour (with valid routes) using a specific command?



Thanks and best regards,






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