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[sumo-user] Acceleration and speed output problem

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a simulation project that requires me to generate speed and acceleration data using  FCD and Amitran outputs. I have no problem with the FCD output, but the Amitran output gives me unrealistic values for speed and acceleration at every time step. For example, I get something like speed="1992" time="823000" acceleration="2330"/>. I have attached a screenshot of the result and the SUMO configuration file for your reference. Has anyone encountered this issue before and can offer some advice on how to fix it? I appreciate your time and help. 

Simon Michael 
Road and Transport Engineer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- generated on 2023-10-25 14:57:11 by Eclipse SUMO sumo Version 1.18.0

<configuration xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="";>

        <net-file value=""/>
        <route-files value="demand.rou.xml"/>
        <junction-taz value="true"/>
        <fcd-output value="E:\SUMO\new\fcd.xml"/>
        <amitran-output value="E:\SUMO\new\accelerationdetails.xml"/>

        <begin value="0"/>
        <end value="900"/>
        <step-length value="1"/>


Attachment: SUMO 82.JPG
Description: JPEG image

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