Dear all,
I'm going to run sumo using libsumo and Python multiprocessing packages.
I successfully installed it using pip install libsumo.
However, importing libsumo from python results in the error message "Module not found."
My error message is as follows
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 9
7 from tqdm import tqdm
8 from multiprocessing import Process, Pool
----> 9 import libsumo
File C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\libsumo\
28 from traci import connection, constants, exceptions, _vehicle, _person, _trafficlight, _simulation # noqa
29 from traci.step import StepManager, StepListener # noqa
---> 30 from .libsumo import vehicle, simulation, person, trafficlight # noqa
31 from .libsumo import TraCIStage, TraCINextStopData, TraCIReservation, TraCILogic, TraCIPhase, TraCIException # noqa
32 from .libsumo import TraCICollision, TraCISignalConstraint # noqa
File C:\Program Files (x86)\Eclipse\Sumo\tools\libsumo\
11 # Import the low-level C/C++ module
12 if __package__ or "." in __name__:
---> 13 from . import _libsumo
14 else:
15 import _libsumo
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _libsumo: Module not found.
My environment is sumo 1.17, libsumo 1.17, and I use python 3.10.9 in anaconda3.
I added site-package, sumo tools, sumo bin, etc. from anaconda env to the path in the Windows system environment variable, but I still get DLL load error.
How should I solve this problem?
Thank you so much for your kind response and good insights all the time.