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Re: [sumo-user] (no subject)

Most likely, the first vehicle did not clear up the insertion location quickly enough for the second vehicle to enter on time *safely*.
Where *safely* is related to the gap that the car following model would like to maintain at insertion based on the desired insertion speed.
You can disable the safety check by setting vehicle attribute insertionChecks="none" (see

Am Di., 14. Feb. 2023 um 08:33 Uhr schrieb qidiao <qdhj15392814828@xxxxxxx>:

Hi, Jakob,


I simulated several continuous intersections on sumo, and the depart time of the vehicles subjected to uniform distribution (the depart time equal to 4s in my experiments). I used  reinforcement learning algorithm to generate the acceleration for the vehicle at each simulation step. What confuses me is that the output of the routing file shows that the depart delay is not equal to 0 for some vehicles. (The desired depart time of the second veh should be 8 s, but the actual depart time is 9 s, depart delay = 1 s). I would like to know how to solve this problem.


As always, many thanks !



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