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Re: [sumo-user] Regarding vehicle delay in the virtual queues

-  departDelay is the time a vehicle has been waiting in a virtual queue before it is inserted
- in tripinfo-output, 'depart' is the actual time of insertion (desired departure + departDelay)
- timeLoss only concerns the loss after actual departure so it is often a useful metric to add timeLoss and departDelay
For this reason, statistic-output includes

Note, that tripinfo-output only contains arrived vehicles by default. To ensure counting all vehicles, you can set the options
--tripinfo-output.write-undeparted  (these will only serve to add more departDelay since they never actually departed))

Am Do., 8. Dez. 2022 um 00:23 Uhr schrieb Hager Radi <hagerrady133@xxxxxxxxx>:

I am trying to capture the total delay of a vehicle from source to destination. I have seen that trip_info includes the time_loss and also depart_delay. 

- Is depart_delay the time a vehicle has been waiting in a virtual queue before it is inserted?
- Does depart (the time it is inserted) take into consideration this delay or is it the ideal departure time that a vehicle should have followed?
- Can you confirm that time_loss includes only the delay from actual insertion to arrival?
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