vehroute-output.exit-times output shows the time when vehicle arrived at the first edge and when vehicle leaves the simulation.
I want to know for each edge when the vehicle arrived and departed. Basically I want to know at what time a vehicle approaches the intersection area as well as when a vehicle leaves the intersection area. So I can calculate the delay associated with crossing the intersection area. How to do that?
herewith attached output of "vehiroute-exit-times".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- generated on 2022-09-28 15:21:58 by Eclipse SUMO GUI Version 1.14.1
<net-file value="C:\Users\student\Downloads\hellosumo-master\Vehiget\"/>
<route-files value="C:\Users\student\Downloads\hellosumo-master\Vehiget\vehiget.rou.xml"/>
<vehroute-output value="C:\Users\student\Downloads\hellosumo-master\Vehiget\vehirout.xml"/>
<vehroute-output.exit-times value="true"/>
<gui-settings-file value="C:\Users\student\Downloads\hellosumo-master\Vehiget\gui-settings.cfg"/>
<vehicle id="1.0" depart="0.00" departLane="0" color="yellow" arrival="18.00">
<route edges="E0 E1" exitTimes="10.00 18.00"/>
<vehicle id="3.0" depart="6.00" departLane="0" color="magenta" arrival="24.00">
<route edges="E0 E1" exitTimes="17.00 24.00"/>
<vehicle id="2.0" depart="3.00" departLane="0" color="cyan" arrival="25.00">
<route edges="E0 E2" exitTimes="14.00 25.00"/>
<vehicle id="4.0" depart="9.00" departLane="0" color="red" arrival="29.00">
<route edges="E0 E2" exitTimes="20.00 29.00"/>
<vehicle id="5.0" depart="12.00" departLane="0" color="green" arrival="30.00">
<route edges="E0 E1" exitTimes="22.00 30.00"/>
<vehicle id="6.0" depart="15.00" departLane="0" color="blue" arrival="38.00">
<route edges="E0 E2" exitTimes="27.00 38.00"/>