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Re: [sumo-user] filter tripinfo on specific set of edges

There is currently no direct facility for obtaining tripinfos on a smaller area of a larger simulation.

Here are some so ideas:
a) use netedit to reduce your scenario to the desired area and use use ( to cut your traffic demand to match the smaller network.  The use tripinfos from the resulting smaller simulation scenario.
b) run sumo with options --vehroute-output vehroutes.xml --vehroute-output.exit-times. Then use those written information to determine routes that passed through your area of interest as well as the travel times experienced in that area.

Am Do., 9. Juni 2022 um 20:30 Uhr schrieb Khaled Belhassine <khaled.belhassine@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


I am wondering if there is a script available in SUMO to get tripinfo output in restrected aera from the network. I don't know if the tripinfo Output can be restricted to a specific set of edges by loading a list of edges from a file with option like --tripinfo-output.filter-edges.input-file <FILE>. FCD output can do it.

Thank you so much

Khaled Belhassine, M.Sc. 
Professionnel de recherche en géomatique
Université Laval

Local 2518, Pavillon Palasis-Prince
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Québec, QC, G1V 0A6

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