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Re: [sumo-user] Editing OSM Highway

First of all, it's important to distinguish program crashes and errors when describing your situation
- a program crash is an event where an application closes or freezes without telling you a reason (this is always a program bug and must be fixed by the developers)
- a program error is an event where the application stops working but gives you a reason (i.e. invalid route, unknown something or other). This is almost always caused by invalid use and can be fixed by the user

It seems that you encountered an error (whereas editing a .net.xml file manually would have been one of the few ways for a user to cause a crash).
Whenever you modify the network with netedit, it may cause some of the old traffic demand to become invalid so you need to rebuild it. Likeways, if you are using routes that were build for an old network, vehicles may never use your new roads. (it depends on whether you are loading <vehicle> or <trip>  definitions).

From your screenshot it looks as if the new road isn't connected with the rest of the network (no T-intersection shape is visible). You must split the horizontal road ( to create a new junction and attach your new road to that junction (i.e. move them onto the same spot and confirm "merge").

In order for routeSampler to generate some traffic that passes from your new road into the larger network you need to make sure that the input contains such routes. The following may help
- rerun (or build.bat) on the new network and increase the amount of traffic (i.e. higher end time)
- add option --min-count 2 to prevent short routes which only pass a single detector


Am Di., 7. Dez. 2021 um 12:09 Uhr schrieb Brandon Cedric Patangan via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
I'd just like to add to this, I tried creating a file with route sampler using the entry and exit points of the highway, and when the exit at the only exit point (essentially making it a one way highway) they don't re-enter the highway network, and instead just disappear. 


Was hoping to see as well the effects on congestion if these vehicles get reintroduced into the network, so a workaround would be really helpful. Thanks again so much  

On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 4:01 PM Brandon Cedric Patangan <bcpatangan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Sorry for emailing once again, but I'd just like to say that I was able to fix this by running build.bat again. However, now the issue is that vehicles only seem to be driving in one direction on the highway, that is, only one lane direction only is being used. It can be seen here, that vehicles are only exiting the highway at this area:


But on the other end, you'll see that no vehicles are exiting, only entering the highway:

I've tried editing it but it just says "invalid connection" whenever I try to fix it so I'm not able to do any in-depth editing. Thanks

On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 3:43 PM Brandon Cedric Patangan <bcpatangan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry about that, was supposed to be a gif. BTW I have tried creating a link with only two lanes and it worked sometimes, so I'm not sure why making it six lanes causes it to not work.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 3:41 PM Brandon Cedric Patangan <bcpatangan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jakob,

I did use NetEdit, it unfortunately crashes when using anything other than default edge or Bridleway. At any rate, I was able to create this map:


The area encircled is the road I added in, which is supposed to simulate a bypass road. Supposedly, some vehicles should cross it when there's congestion, if their destination is at the edge of that road. It's a proposed gov't project, and I'm trying to see if it helps decrease the timeLoss.

However, when I run the simulator, none of the cars even attempt to cross through even with heavy traffic. Here's a closer look:


The right turn is the highway road. I understand that it's a longer route but the gist is that supposedly some of the vehicles should take the road to reduce travel time. However none of them do. Could you give me any tips on what I can do about it? I've tried editing connections in netEdit as well but I can't include connections to the road. Thank you so much.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 2:39 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It sounds like you have edited the .net.xml file directly. This is inadvisable. Instead edit the file with the netedit application.

Am Mo., 6. Dez. 2021 um 22:33 Uhr schrieb Brandon Cedric Patangan via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello, sorry to email again, but it seems that SUMO 1.11 crashes when adding a highway template road? 

On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 4:52 AM Brandon Cedric Patangan <bcpatangan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there! Is editing a highway imported from OSM web wizard advisable? I've been trying to add a highway to one of the intersections, but no vehicles are crossing it even though it's connected

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