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Re: [sumo-user] Different rerouting periods for two vehicle types

version 1.11.0 does not support this (except via traci) but the latest development version allows setting
<param key="device.rerouting.period" value="42"/> in the <vType> or <vehicle> element.
You can download it at


Am Mi., 24. Nov. 2021 um 15:39 Uhr schrieb Henrik Büttcher <henrik.buettcherix@xxxxxx>:
Dear all,

I want to simulate two types of passenger cars, both equipped with a rerouting device.
While the first type should be rerouted continously, the second one is supposed to performa one-shot rerouting when entering the netwotk (like trips).

Is it possible two define two different rerouting periods (parameters) for both car types or can this parameter only be defined in the configuration file but is then applied to all equipped vehicles?
>From what I can tell, whenever I define this period within a vType, it doesn‘t affect the simulation.

I‘m using the latest sumo version and I‘m not using TraCi or any other additional tools.

Thanks in advance and best regards!
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