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[sumo-user] Introducing SESAM: the first steps towards SUMO in the Cloud

Dear SUMO users,

I just wanted to let you know, that in our DLR spin-off company we started to work on SUMO as a cloud service. We call this project "Simulation Environment for Seamless Autonomous Mobility - SESAM". While there is still a long road ahead, the first set of features is available today. You can reach SESAM here:

At the moment, you can think of SESAM as a replacement for your local WebWizard in your SUMO installation. It may come in handy in situations when you are unable to run the WebWizard locally, because of firewall restrictions or rate limitations of the overpass-api servers. SESAM includes its own OpenStreetMap mirror server, so that we can offer higher availability and throughput when retrieving OpenStreetMap data.

Of course, more features will be added during the next months to allow running simulations on our dedicated cloud servers and analyzing simulation outputs. We also plan to offer a REST API to allow for a deeper and automated integration of SUMO in your products and tools. Moreover, we also want to offer the capabilities to include open and commercial data sets in our scenario builder for a more realistic traffic demand.

Please try out SESAM and let us know what you think. We appreciate your feedback!

Best regards,



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