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Re: [sumo-user] Min gap to follow a truck in SUMO

No. It's still a misunderstanding.
"apparentDecel" is also active when the truck is moving at constant speed. It describes *potential* deceleration that will be taken into account by the follower vehicles (the distance to the leader vehicle must always take into account what the leader may do in the future).
I recommend that you play around with the values and observe the effects yourself.

Am Di., 23. Nov. 2021 um 19:38 Uhr schrieb François Vaudrin <francois.vaudrin.1@xxxxxxxxx>:

I think I misspoke.

I understand that "apparentDecel" only applies when the truck is decelerating. In other words, if the truck is traveling at a constant speed, it is not decelerating and therefore the min-gap applies as usual.

And when the truck is standing means that it is immobilized, so it is also the usual min-gap that applies.

Is it that?



De : sumo-user <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> de la part de Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé : mardi 23 novembre 2021 12:56
À : Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [sumo-user] Min gap to follow a truck in SUMO
No. apparentDecel takes effect as long as the truck is moving. Vehicles using the Krauss-model will keep a gap that allows safe braking in case the leader vehicle brakes with apparentDecel (even though the leader will in fact only brake with its 'decel' value). If apparentDecel is higher than decel, vehicles will keep a larger gap then they would otherwise. That  gap increases depending on the speed of the truck. Only when the truck is standing, it's decel or apparent decel plays no role since it obvious cannot brake anymore.

Am Di., 23. Nov. 2021 um 17:27 Uhr schrieb François Vaudrin <francois.vaudrin.1@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hallo Jakob,

I understand "apparentDecel ' attribute applies to the truck and the effect is that the vehicles following this truck will keep a greater distance.

Does "when the truck is standing" mean that when the truck is traveling at a constant speed, the usual min-gap applies because there is no apparent deceleration?

Thank you


De : sumo-user <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> de la part de Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé : mardi 23 novembre 2021 01:57
À : Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [sumo-user] Min gap to follow a truck in SUMO
You could accomplish this by updating minGap with TraCI but there are no provisions in the models / xml inputs to configure this directly.

The closest thing you could get is to set a high value of 'apparentDecel' for the trucks which would make following traffic maintain higher gaps. However, the achieved gap increase would vary according to the speed of the truck (so you would not see a gap of 60 when the truck is standing). You should be able to tune this so that you see 60m gaps when a truck is driving at it's desired travel speed.

Adding a new carFollowModel that inherits from an existing model and provides additional minGaps would be another solution.


Am Mo., 22. Nov. 2021 um 23:08 Uhr schrieb François Vaudrin <francois.vaudrin.1@xxxxxxxxx>:

A HandBook from the Government of New Brunswick (Province of Canada) advises motorists not to follow a semi-trailer truck within 60 meters because of the blind spot.
It seems reasonable and I was wondering if it is possible to provide a different min-gap for a vehicle when it follows a truck on a higway ?  
Thank you

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