Hello again Jakob, sorry to bother you again.
I'm still trying to launch the tool implausibleRoutes.py but it still raises the same error. I thought the problem could be in my network large extent (I need to simulate a middle-sized european city) so I clipped it to a lower extent, but the problem persists.
After running flowrouter.py, I launch implausibleRoutes.py and this is what I get:
Loading net ... done.
Error: No route input specified or all routes were invalid.
Quitting (on error).
parsing network from sumonetwork_zgzfixed.net.xml
parsing routes from routes.xml
0 routes read 0 short routes skipped
calculating air distance and checking loops
calling duarouter: /home/al324/sumo-V1.10.0/bin/duarouter -n sumonetwork_zgzfixed.net.xml -r routes.xml -o routes.xml.rerouted.rou.xml --no-step-log --routing-threads 1 --routing-algorithm astar --aggregate-warnings 1 -v
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/u7262/sumo-V1.10.0/tools/route/implausibleRoutes.py", line 300, in <module>
File "/home/u7262/sumo-V1.10.0/tools/route/implausibleRoutes.py", line 224, in main
for vehicle in parse(duarouterAltOutput, 'vehicle'):
File "/home/u7262/sumo-V1.10.0/tools/sumolib/xml.py", line 253, in parse
for _, parsenode in ET.iterparse(_open(xmlfile, None)):
File "/opt/python/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1243, in iterparse
source = open(source, "rb")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'routes.xml.rerouted.rou.alt.xml'
It seems that implausibleRoutes.py cannot read the routes from routes.xml, but not sure why. The routes.xml contains routes of this form:
<route id="678695567_678859243.qPKW.1380" edges="678695567 80784908 136656809 92741288#1 124019581#0 124019581#2 678859243"/>
Kind regards,