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Re: [sumo-user] Safe distance for a trucker (headway)

I'd guess that in this rule of thumb, truck length is a proxy for weight and hence deceleration capability.
Since the relationship between decel, speed and headway isn't linear in speed, you'll find it easier to reproduce the linear rule-of-thumb gaps with different values of tau for different lengths of truck.
Though, when following the physics, modeling it with different values of decel for different sizes of truck should be a better fit for reality.
Per my understanding the trucker rule is just an easy-to-calculate approximation for the physics.

Am Di., 7. Sept. 2021 um 01:27 Uhr schrieb François Vaudrin <francois.vaudrin.1@xxxxxxxxx>:


It seems the rule for truckers is to keep a safe distance of one truck length per 10 km/h. So, if a truck driver is traveling at 100 km/h and his truck is 20 m long, he should keep a distance of 200 m from the vehicle in front of him.

I thought to use the "tau" parameter, but it is related to reaction time as I understand and it does not seem to take into account the length of the truck.

Thank you,

François Vaudrin, PhD
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