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Re: [sumo-user] Sumo crashes when using departure edge taken from traci.simulation.convertRoad

Sumo does not permit departure on an internal edge. Here are your options:
- use to find "normal"  edges around a coordinate
- use traci.lane.getLinks or sumolib to determine the successor "normal" edge of the internal edge and use that
- define your flow with fromJunction=" 5621183134" (InternalEdgeID = :JunctionID_Index) and set sumo option --junction-taz to allow departures from any outgoing edge of a junction


Am Fr., 30. Juli 2021 um 10:51 Uhr schrieb Stanford, John via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

I am using population data to generate demand. The dataset includes latitude, longitude, and the number of people at that point. I am using traci.simulation.convertRoad as you see below:

     edgeID, lanePosition, laneIndex = traci.simulation.convertRoad(lon, lat, True, vClass='pedestrian')
     print('edge ID: ', edgeID)

Sample line of output:
     edge ID:  :5621183134_0

Flows are then written in XML from the convertRoad output:
     <flow id="97" from=":5621183134_0" to="334573857#4" ..............

Then Sumo crashes at the first step of the simulation with no error message. So I loaded the demand file in NetEdit and received:
     Error: Invalid from-edge ':5621183134_0' used in trip '97'

It seems Sumo objects to departures from internal edges. What should I do to avoid the crashing? It looks like I need to either ensure that edgeID is not an internal edge, or convince Sumo to accept trips from internal edges. I am open to both but not sure how to do either. Is this the completely wrong approach? I appreciate any advice you can give.

Thank you
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