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[sumo-user] Please advise: Return Trip generation with od2trips for each individual vehicle id

Dear SUMO team,

My name is Qiao and I'm from the University of York. I'm an active SUMO user during my whole Phd project. Thank you for your efforts in developing this amazing simulator. 

Today I'm writing to you for some help or suggestions on trip generation with od2trips. Throughout the early stage of my research, I've been using sumo to simulate traffic of 5 TAZs between 8am to 9am. I have an .od file in O-format and use od2trips to generate trips between TAZs. The picture below on the left-hand side is an example of my od file. The aim is to get vehicle trips during a morning peak hour. Therefore, by using od2trips, I'm able to obtain trips in the figure on the right-hand side. 

This is very straightforward. Vehicle id 0-15 will travel from TAZ 1 to TAZ 2 and so on. 

Now, I would like to generate returning trips for these vehicles. So, for vehicles 0-15, I need them to return from TAZ 2 to TAZ 1, vehicles 16-25 returning from TAZ 3 to TAZ 1, and so on. The aim is to simulate a complete commuting day. I've created an od file similar to this as below, but this does not seem to do the job. From the trips generated, vehicles 0-9 will travel from TAZ 1 to TAZ 2 and 10-16 will travel from TAZ 1 to 3 and so on. Apparently, regardless of the order in the od file, od2trips will generate trips originating from TAZ 1, TAZ 2... TAZ 5. This is the order od2trips will follow, in my understanding. 

I have gone through the documentation but have not found a clue to sort this out. I hope I have clarified my issue clearly. Could you please check and advise what I can do to address this? Is there a parameter in od2trips so that it can follow the order in the od file? Or do you have any suggestions on what else trip generation tool I may be able to use for this task? 

I look forward to your response. Highly appreciate it in advance. 

Kind regards,

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