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[sumo-user] Error on traci.person.getTaxiReservations(0)



I’m using the example



The very STRANGE fact:

the example runs without error on one computer (Ubuntu 20, sumo 1.9.0, 32GB RAM)


On another computer (VM, same OS, same sumo version, 4GB) I get:


Retrying in 1 seconds

Loading configuration ... done.

***Starting server on port 50661 ***

Loading net-file from '' ... done (12ms).

Loading done.

Simulation version 1.9.0 started with time: 0.00

taxiFleet ('taxi_0',)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 61, in <module>

    reservations = traci.person.getTaxiReservations(0)

  File "/usr/share/sumo/tools/traci/", line 246, in getTaxiReservations


  File "/usr/share/sumo/tools/traci/", line 63, in _readReservation

    assert("!i")[0] == 9)


Error: tcpip::Socket::recvAndCheck @ recv: peer shutdown

Quitting (on error).

DijkstraRouter answered 1 queries and explored 1.00 edges on average.

DijkstraRouter spent 0.00s answering queries (0.00ms on average).


Any ideas how to fix this are highly appreciated.


Best regards



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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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