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Re: [sumo-user] Can not figure out how to get some statistics

1) tripinfo-output lists the number of times a car was stopped (waitingCount). Note that a car may stop multiple times at the same junction if the queue is not cleared in a single green phase. Note that all the traci functions with 'stop' in their name are for scheduled stops (<stop>) rather than waiting-at-junction. From TraCI, you have to check the vehicle speeds continuously and count the number of times it drops from a high value to a low value.
2) you can compute this from the input route input file or from vehroute-output (if your cars are re-routing in the simulation) by just counting the number of time specifc edges are used. (use with option --intermediate). If you need a running count from TraCI, define detectors (i.e. inductionLoop) for each approach and then count the number of distinct vehicles in traci.inductionloop.getVehicleData
3) offline: TraCI: either filter vehicles on an edge according to their position / speed or define a laneAreaDetector on the approach and call traci.lanearea.getJamLengthVehicle

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Am Di., 13. Apr. 2021 um 23:04 Uhr schrieb . Abdullah <ab11@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

I was planning to find some statistics but can't figure out how to do it. 

1. How many times a car has stopped at intersections, that is if a car passes through 4 junctions but only stops at 2 red lights then I want to know that. I know getStopState returns (1 * stopped + 2 * parking + 4 * personTriggered + 8 * containerTriggered + 16 * isBusStop + 32 * isContainerStop) but I don't think I need all of these. 

2. How many cars have passed through a junction/intersection? I couldn't find any function in : that can help

3. Finally, is there a way to find out how many cars are waiting at a junction based on direction? Let's say if we have a 4-way intersection and I want to find out how many cars are waiting at the north traffic light. I tried to use getLastStepVehicleNumber on an edge but I think that returns all cars present on that edge rather than just cars present at the intersection.

Sorry for so many questions, I am just stuck and need a little advice. Thanks in advance.    

Thank you.
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