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Re: [sumo-user] sumo does not load vehicles after running dfrouter

1) The code is somewhat obscure but I think the routes will be built despite the warning as long as their length exceeds the value of --min-route-length (default -1)
2) this message comes from the automatic detector classification which is not very suitable for highly meshed urban networks. You can instead classify your detectors beforehand based on your own knowledge and intent
3) the detector classification by flowrouter is less sophisticated and only works for edges that have no predecessor/successor. use manual classification instead

Consider using routeSampler as an alternative to the above tools as it gives more control over the generated routes.


Am Mo., 5. Apr. 2021 um 10:59 Uhr schrieb Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez <alrodr25@xxxxxx>:
Hello Giuliana,
Thanks for the answer, it worked perfectly. However, I have a few questions about dfrouter and flowrouter:

1) I keep getting "Could not close route for detector X" warnings for most of the warnings, no matter if I pass the options --routes-for-all or/and --keep-unfinished-routes or none of them. I've noticed that this always happens to "between" detectors. What does this exactly mean? Are vehicles passing by those detectors not finishing their trips?
This is how I'm launching dfrouter:
dfrouter --net-file ${network} --routes-output ${routes} --emitters-output ${emitters_file} --detector-files ${detectors_pos} --measure-files ${measures_file} --strict-sources true --detector-output detectors_out.xml --keep-unfinished-routes

2) I also get lots of warnings like this: "Warning: Quitting checking for being a source for detector 'ES54-a' due to seen edge limit"
For this reason I have very few sources in my network and as a result, the number of vehicles generated is lower than expected, but if possible I want to avoid using the "between" detectors as sources.

3) Regarding flowrouter, I wanted to compare the results with dfrouter but when I run flowrouter it seems that it isn't reading the detectors file. According to the documentation I understand that the detectors file used as input in dfrouter should be adequate to use as input in flowrouter, as well as the detectors_out.xml generated by dfrouter. However, with both of the detector files I get 0 sources and sinks loaded from detector file:

Reading net
1066109 edges read
Reading detectors
Warning! Edge '31512186' is simultaneously source and sink.
Warning! Edge '739266307' is simultaneously source and sink.
Warning! Edge '823760807' is simultaneously source and sink.
Loaded 0 sources and 0 sinks from detector file. Added 138 sources and 110 sinks from the network
Reading flows
Calculating routes
138 sources, 138 unlimited
110 sinks, 110 unlimited

Nonetheless, the routes and flows file generated by flowrouter (attached) does look nice, so I think I'm missing something.

Best regards,

El jue, 1 abr 2021 a las 1:27, <Maria.Armellini@xxxxxx> escribió:

Hi Alejandro,


please replace the “,” in your csv files by “;” and run dfrouter again. If that was the problem, you should be getting some vehicle-elements in the output ‘vehicles.rou.xml’. Now the output contains only routeDistributions-elements.





Von: sumo-user <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> Im Auftrag von Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. März 2021 12:12
An: Sumo project User discussions <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: [sumo-user] sumo does not load vehicles after running dfrouter


Hi everyone,

I've recently started working with dfrouter in order to get "realistic" traffic flows in the city of Madrid.

I have followed every step in the dfrouter docs in order to create the mandatory files (detector positions and flow measures). In order to locate the detectors in the network I have made my own script using        

lanePos, dist = sumolib.geomhelper.polygonOffsetAndDistanceToPoint((x,y), closestLane.getShape())

to locate the closest Lane to each detector.


After doing that, dfrouter seems to work properly: it creates the vehicles.rou.xml and sumoroutes.rou.xml files and they are not empty.

However, while trying to run sumo, it does not load any vehicle. I have tried with the two following commands:


sumo -c $conf_file --ignore-route-errors

sumo --net-file ${network} --additional-files ${routes},${emitters_file}


I have to note that I am trying to implement dfrouter in a network with public transport vehicles loaded apart from the passenger vehicles, but I don't think this can be an issue because the public transport vehicles are not loaded in the highlighted line.


Could anyone pointing out where the error is, if any?


I attach the dfrouter files and the rest of files for the simulation in this mail.


Best regards,

Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez

PhD student
CIEMAT // Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
email: alrodr25@xxxxxx

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Alejandro Rodríguez Sánchez
PhD student
CIEMAT // Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
email: alrodr25@xxxxxx
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