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Re: [sumo-user] vehicle birth rate when defining flow rate using vehsPerHour

Please see The easiest fix is probably to set option --extrapolate-departpos


Am Di., 2. März 2021 um 12:18 Uhr schrieb Sharon Hornstein <sharon.hornstein@xxxxxx>:


Dear all,

I am running a merge scenario of two highway lanes that merge into one.

I have two flows of cars that are defined in *.rou.xml file (the content of the file is below).

I have 2 types of cars that are born on the top lane:

  • “Human1” with vehsPerHour=1800
  • “Controlled” with vehsPerHour=200

There is 1 type of cars that is born on the bottom lane:

  • “Human0” with vehsPerHour=500


So the total flow in the top lane is 2000 vehsPerHour. I work with a time step of 0.5[sec].

The theoretical rate that I expect to have the cars born is 3600/2000 = 1.8[sec]. so due to the discretization I expect to have the cars born each 1.5 or 2 sec.


However, I run a 750[sec] long simulation (1500 time steps) and I realized that the rate of the cars that are born is inconsistent with the rate that I want.

  • In the first ~100 seconds, the cars are born each 1.5 to 2.5 sec (very few cars are born each 1.5 sec, most of them at each 2sec, and some at 2.5sec)
  • When the simulation progresses, the rate is decreased -> the time at which new vehicles are born becomes longer, each 3-3.5 sec and even longer.


I am trying to understand why I can’t get the cars born at the desired rate.






The is the routes.rou.xml file


    <route id="left" edges="left right"/>  


                <flow id="human1" route="left" type="human" begin="2" departLane="1" departSpeed="10" maxSpeed="30" end="90000" vehsPerHour="1800"/>


                <flow id="human0" route="left" type="human" begin="2" departLane="0" departSpeed="7.5" maxSpeed="30" end="90000" vehsPerHour="500"/>


                <flow id="Controlled" route="left" type="Controlled" begin="2" departLane="1" departSpeed="10" maxSpeed="30" end="90000" vehsPerHour="200" color="1,0,0"/>                           




This is a screenshot of the simulation, vehicles are born on the left hand side, and drive towards the right hand side.

At t= 42.5[sec]


At t= 199[sec]



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