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[sumo-user] LuST Dataset Timing

 As described in the paper, the LuST dataset is of 24hrs. I find the sumo.cfg file starts from 0 with step size 1 (without any end field).
I want to confirm the starting time of the cfg? Is it 12 AM?

For example, if I want to generate traffic only from 8AM to 8:02AM, should I use---
start time = (3600x8) = 28,800
end time = 28,800 + 120 (60 x 2 min) = 28920? and step size = 1
Is my understanding correct?

And if I want the step size as 0.1 (i.e. snaps at every 0.1s), how should I modify the cfg? Only the step-size or both start and end time needs to be adjusted accordingly?


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