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Appreciate it Jakob, Thank you very much for your answer. 

On Fri, Jan 15, 2021, 8:35 AM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1) The example I gave you placed a single leader vehicle ahead of the flow so that departPos=last started with that vehicle rather than the end of the lane.
2) The requirement for constant yet heterogeneous speeds has never come up before and is not supported directly. You will have to define the vehicles individually if you need this. (I recommend writing a small program to generate the inputs).

Am Do., 14. Jan. 2021 um 15:43 Uhr schrieb IT Tech <aekralem21@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Everyone,

I have a Road of 3 lanes of (road length is: 6000 meters)

Considering 3 flows that run on every lane of the road.

My question is :

01 - With departPos="last" the vehicles tend to be loaded on the 6000-meter (POS)(MAYBE THATS BECAUSE THE ROAD IS 6000 METER LONG BUT WHEN REFFERING TO THE OUTPUT THE VEHICULES ON THE FLOW DONT DRIVE TO THE END OF ROAD) mark, and I need to load them at the beginning of the road which is in this case 10000-meter mark (so they will drive until the 4000-meter mark).

02 - Is it possible to apply speeds that range from 80km/h to 120km/h to the vehicles of the flow, in such a manner that every vehicle in trailing position will have a smaller speed than the vehicle ahead of it to avoid collisions. also, the speeds have to be constant :

For example : a range of speeds: 80 to 120km/h

Veh1 (head) = 110km/h(constant throughout simulation) , veh2 (trailing) =100km/h(constant throughout simulation), veh3 (trailing of veh2) = 95km/h (constant throughout simulation). etc

     Any Idea how to setup that automatically of should I use vehicle speed distribution and sort the speeds and apply them manually to the vehicles. (which means have not to use flows in this case: which is really cumbersome when the number of vehicles is high).

Here is the code I'm using : 

01 - 
<routes id="route">
    <vTypeDistribution id="typedist1">

    <vType id="silly" tau="0.0001" minGap="2" speedDev="0" decel="0.0001"/>
    <flow id="flow0" type="silly" departLane="0"   arrivalLane="current" color="1,0,0" begin="0.00"  end="0" number="17" departSpeed="max" departPos="last"  from="mainedge" to="mainedge"/>

      <flow id="flow1" type="silly" departLane="1"   arrivalLane="current" color="0,1,0" begin="0.00"  end="0" number="17" departSpeed="max"  departPos="last"  from="mainedge" to="mainedge"/>

      <flow id="flow2" type="silly" departLane="2"   arrivalLane="current"  color="0,0,1" begin="0.00" end="0" number="16" departSpeed="max"  departPos="last"    from="mainedge" to="mainedge" />

02 - 
<node id="right" x="10000.0" y="300.0"/>
<node id="left" x="4000.0" y="300.0"/>

03 - 
<edge id="mainedge" from="right" to="left" numLanes="3" type="3L105"/>

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