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Re: [sumo-user] Changing access permissions of all edges of a particular edge type

There is an easier way:
- load the network in netedit
- use selection mode to select all edges with type "highway.service" (
- use inspect mode and click on any edge of the selection to inspect the whole selection at once
- set the desired allow attribute to change the value for the whole selection

Am Mo., 11. Jan. 2021 um 18:28 Uhr schrieb Chris Abraham <chrisbrhm@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi there,

I imported a map from OSM using the WebWizard. However, I find that all the edges of the `highway.service` edge-type have the wrong access permissions. I would like to change all of them. I would like all edges to *inherit* their permissions from `highway.service`, so that I can change the access permissions from one place.

My guess is that I have convert the net.xml file to plain-xml files. Then I will need to develop a python script to remove from the edg.xml file, all `allow` and `disallow` fields from edges of type `highway.service`, as well as from the lanes within those edges. Then I will need to convert the plain-xml files back to a net.xml file. Is my understanding correct or is their an easier way?


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