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[sumo-user] Controlling Phase Duration from Traci

Hello everyone

I am trying to change the green and red phase timing for every simulation
run from traci. 
Here, following are my valid traffic lights' IDs
Traffic Lights id #1:  1886728151
Traffic Lights id #2:  2273469505
Traffic Lights id #3:  268032054
Traffic Lights id #4:  454336319

Let say for Traffic Lights id #4.

By using *traci.trafficlight.getAllProgramLogics("454336319")*, I tried to
see the whole logic of this signal id and the output that I get is the

(Logic(programID='0', type=0, currentPhaseIndex=0,
phases=(Phase(*/duration=40.0/*, state='GGrr', minDur=40.0, maxDur=40.0,
next=()), Phase(duration=3.0, state='yyrr', minDur=3.0, maxDur=3.0,
next=()), Phase(duration=2.0, state='rrYY', minDur=2.0, maxDur=2.0,
next=()), Phase(/*duration=40.0*/, state='rrGG', minDur=40.0, maxDur=40.0,
next=()), Phase(duration=3.0, state='rryy', minDur=3.0, maxDur=3.0,
next=()), Phase(duration=2.0, state='YYrr', minDur=2.0, maxDur=2.0,
next=())), subParameter={}),)

I want to change the phase duration of the above-given phases (that are in
Bold and Itallic) during each simulation run. In other words, during every
simulation run, I want these phases to work according to the time that I am
going to assign to them. 

For that first I use traci.trafficlight.getRedYellowGreenState("454336319")
to see which state is in right now then I use
traci.trafficlight.setPhaseDuration('454336319',55) for setting new phase

When I checked the duration by
traci.trafficlight.getPhaseDuration("454336319"), it is showing me *40.0*
which is unchanged. 

So, can you give me any idea how can I change the particular phase timing
during each simulation run?

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