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Re: [sumo-user] Applying changes to large networks

Your description of "in the middle of the junction" sounds as if you have unmerged junction clusters. Please see

processing your network with "netconvert -s --junctions.join -n" will likely generate some warnings regarding joining which you should then recheck manually with netedit but the manual effort should be greatly reduced.
For future network import, see

Am Fr., 23. Okt. 2020 um 08:55 Uhr schrieb Simon.Frentrup@xxxxxxxxxx <Simon.Frentrup@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello all,


I’m working with a large network that was create based on osm data which was edited with several preprocessing steps.


Based on errors in the osm data some traffic lights are causing traffic jams to appear. This is e.g. caused by traffic lights randomly appearing in the middle of a junction.


I came across the netconverter option --tls.uncontrolled-within which reduces this problem, but when I apply the netconverter with this option on the existing network nothing changes. Did I miss an option I need to set in order to be able to apply the netconverter on an already existing network or is there any other way to perform these changes? Netedit is not an option since several hundred junctions are affected.


Best regards


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