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Re: [sumo-user] Define Input/Output Edges and Assign Random Traffic to Network

I am just learning SUMO and here are a few things that are helping me:

Creating and adding edges to a taz.
Create a taz step 1
in netedit
select network at the top
select taz in the next menu down
"start drawing" in the left
ENTER ENTER ENTER ....   as you select points on the map (but connect back the beginning point) ( I created a square around my edges for reference but this does nothing else but add a nice square of lines.
ESC or "Stop Drawing" on the left

Select 'inspect' from the menu (magnifying glass) 
Click on the taz line you created
top left menu rename the taz to what you want
top left again, if you are making a taz then maybe you want to change the color of each, use the 'color' button
ENTER to save the change

Okay now you have a taz
Repeat for the other taz

Top left menu there is now a save icon under "edit".  that will ask you to save the taz file.  Save the taz as a <filename>.taz.add.xml

Add edges:
select taz in the next menu down at the top
Select the line of your new taz
Now the menu changes on the left 
start selecting the 'edges' you want in that taz
select the 'edge' again to un-select the edge if needed
left menu select 'confirm changes'  when you have selected all the edges

Top left menu there is now a save icon under "edit".  that will ask you to save the taz file.  Save the taz as a <filename>.taz.add.xml

repeat for all your taz

Now you taz xml files

I wanted this video to create the OD, trips etc.

Its garbage but I went to this page to cut/paste some of the code unformated below the comments

I am rerunning these two commands as I try to figure out why my vehicles dont route:  (debugging, troubleshooting step)
I run this as I add adn remove 'edges' from my taz
od2trips -c od2trips.config.xml -n taz.add.xml -d OD_file.od -o od_file.odtrips.xml
I then run duarouter.exe to create the 'routes' based on the 'trips' that use the 'edges' form the 'taz' in the od_file.odtrips.xml
c:\sumo\bin\duarouter.exe -c duarcfg_file.trips2routes.duarcfg --ignore-errors

When I run duarouter.exe is have these errors:
I am debugging my map to try to figure out why my routes:
I was getting this because my vehicle was allowed on the edges:
Warning: Vehicle '9' is not allowed to arrive on edge '25441959#1'.
Warning: The vehicle '9' has no valid route.

I am now getting this. I am trying to find the problem:
Warning: No connection between edge '630052967#0' and edge '-39951463#14' found.
Warning: Mandatory edge '-39951463#14' not reachable by vehicle '9'.

Good luck
Hope this helps
I think I remembered it correctly

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 5:28 PM Xun Liu <xliu8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello everyone,


I met a problem about how to define the In-/Output Edges of a network. Now I have the ID of the In- and Output edges, could I use Traffic Assignment Zone(TAZ) file to define the In- and Output. And how could I assign a random traffic flow from the Input Edges into the network?




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