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Re: [sumo-user] Create multiple route files using randomTrips

You can use option --prefix to set a different id prefix for your two kinds of vehicles and thus prevent name clashes.

Am Do., 24. Sept. 2020 um 11:07 Uhr schrieb #LONG YUSHEN# <YLONG002@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:



I’m working on a traffic simulation project where two random traffic flows shall be simulated simultaneously. One is the common vehicles like passengers, bus and so on. The other one is delivery vehicles from some warehouses. We would like to see how the delivery vehicles will affect the other common vehicles by setting different departure and arrival rate.


So I created two route files using randomTrips and put them in the sumocfg file. However, I noticed that randomTrips automatically set vehicle id from 0 by default. So in the two route files, many vehicles share the same vehicle id and the sumocfg file cannot be configured.


My questions is: is there any way in sumo to avoid this issue? Say for example, can I let randomTrips set vehicle id in a given range? Then I can let common vehicles have id from 0 to 9999 and delivery vehicles have id from 10000 to 12000 and there will be no duplicated id.


Thanks and best regards,


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