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Re: [sumo-user] routeProbReroute does not assign new route
  • From: <Maria.Armellini@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 15:55:14 +0000
  • Accept-language: de-DE, en-US
  • Delivered-to: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
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  • Thread-topic: routeProbReroute does not assign new route

Hello Matty,


if you only want a vehicle to repeat the same route you can just use the “repeat” attribute for the route. For example:


                <route id="bot_loop" edges="edge1 edge2 edge3 edge4 edge5 edge6 edge7 edge8" repeat="3">

                               <stop busStop="stop1" duration="15" />

                               <stop busStop="stop2" duration="15" />                          


This way you don't need a rerouter device.


Unfortunately I’m not familiar with the rerouter device and don’t know why you are getting this error.





From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matty Golub
Sent: Samstag, 19. September 2020 00:21
To: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sumo-user] routeProbReroute does not assign new route




I am attempting to use a rerouter to put a single vehicle on a repeating looping route. This is intended to simulate a shuttle service that repeats a route in a neighborhood. I have generated a toy example from the “Driving In Circles” tutorial and have one rerouter currently. I have tried multiple configurations for the rerouter and it does not direct the vehicle to repeat its route. I have also generated an extra route, called “extra” to test rerouter functionality. This also is not successful. When I run the rerouter to have the vehicle repeat its loop, I get these warnings when it crosses into the edge where the rerouter is located:

Warning: busStop 'stop1' for vehicle 'LR_AV' on lane 'edge2_0' is not downstream the current route.

Warning: busStop 'stop2' for vehicle 'LR_AV' on lane 'edge5_0' is not downstream the current route.

(Note that the vehicle is programmed as a bus and the bus stops are on its original route)

To me this indicates that there is a problem with how the vehicle interacts with the rerouter. Since it disappears after reaching the end of the edge where the rerouter is located (which is also the last edge on its route), it seems the interface between the vehicle and the rerouter does not work.


Would someone be willing to look at the code and help me figure out how to use the rerouter properly? I have attached all of the necessary files. It is a very small network so all of the files are very small. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Matty Golub


Here is the code for the rerouter, from the .add file. The actual file has more in it, but this is what’s necessary:



               <vType id="LR_AV" width="2" length="7" vClass="bus" personCapacity="8"/>


               <!—“bot_loop” is the bottom loop (bottom half of the figure 8) of the network -->


               <route id="bot_loop" edges="edge1 edge2 edge3 edge4 edge5 edge6 edge7 edge8">

                              <stop busStop="stop1" duration="15" />

                              <stop busStop="stop2" duration="15" />             




               <rerouter id="rerouter_2" edges="edge8" vTypes="LR_AV" probability="1">

                              <interval begin="0" end="1e9">

                                             <routeProbReroute id="bot_loop" probability="1"/>




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