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Re: [sumo-user] some questions about rerouting in SUMO & case of “ route is faster that trips files loaded”



Attachment is my test case. Appreciated in advance.


I use the duarouter.exe to generate the route filemycase0.rou.xml


cd /d F:\Eclipse\Sumo\bin

duarouter.exe -n H:\test\ -r H:\test\mycase0\GEN_trip\mycase0.trips.xml -o H:\test\mycase0\Routes\mycase0.rou.xml.


and then,

in mycase0.rou.sumocfgI use rou.xml as the route file 

and set  probability value <0

        <device.rerouting.probability value="-1"/>
        <device.rerouting.period value="75600000"/>
        <device.rerouting.pre-period value="75600000"/>


in mycase0.trips.sumocfg I use trips.xml as the route file 

and set 

        <device.rerouting.probability value="-1"/>
        <device.rerouting.period value="75600000"/>
        <device.rerouting.pre-period value="75600000"/>


in mycase0.sumocfg I use trips.xml as the route file 

and set 

        <device.rerouting.probability value="1"/>
        <device.rerouting.period value="60"/>
        <device.rerouting.pre-period value="60"/>


Then, the process in all my cases is set as below to reflect the realistic scenarios that no vehicles could be teleported.

 <time-to-teleport value="756000000"/>

     <max-depart-delay value="756000000"/>

As we discussed in the previous email, in my understanding, when I set     <device.rerouting.probability value="1"/>, no matter what kind of route-files load xx.trips.xml or xx.rou.file), and no matter what value is set to device.rerouting.pre-period , SUMO would ignore the value of  device.rerouting.pre-period and uses the departure time as the first  route (with trips.xml) or retoue ( with route.xml time  when vehicles entering the simulation and no further rerouting takes place due to the high value of  .rerouting.period value.


In my two cases, mycase0.trips.sumocfg and mycase0.rou.sumocfg, SUMO would pre-assign the fastest routes to vehicles which are going to depart. 


Why the statistic values of  mycase0.trips.sumocfg are larger than that generated by mycase0.rou.sumocfg,and these values are even larger in mycase0.sumocfguse trips and could rerouting during simulation. In my understanding, smaller statistics values mean better road conditions with the same OD definition.


Is there some wrong in my understanding or in my setting in .sumocfg file


Looking forward to hearing from you!





On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 11:53 AM Jane Cheung <cheung180515@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Thanks for your reply.

 More questions about the previous email.

1) the probability could be set in the range of (0,1], and <00 value means normal vehicles will not perform rerouting. 

  • What kind of vehicle is not the normal vehicle?  The the only scenario I know is to use Traci to reroute in the simulation.
  • If I set  <device.rerouting.probability value="0.5"/> and the s log.txt is printed as below:



 Duration: 297822ms

 Real time factor: 18.1316

 UPS: 32080.783152


 Inserted: 14158 (Loaded: 17538)

 Running: 2061

 Waiting: 3356


Does it mean SUMO would choose 50% of vehicles to have the ability of rerouting?  

  • The vehicles are in terms of the inserted vehicles(14158) or the loaded ones(17538)
  • How does SUMO decide which vehicle can reroute?
  • For example, edge A1B1 and edge B1A1  are 100m, the number of vehicles on edgeA1B1 is 18(edge A1B1 most in congestion), the number of vehicles on edge B1A1  is 6. The Sumo would choose 10 vehicles among  20 vehicles on edge A1B1 and 3 vehicles among 6 vehicles on edgeB1A1. Is that right? Obviously, traffic conditions in the two edges are different. Edge A1B1 is mostly in congestion, and vehicles on edge B1A1 can run in free-flow speed. More rerouting devices are assigned to vehicles on edge A1B1 might be a better choice. Could SUMO assign rerouting devices like that, or SUMO uses other more realistic strategies to choose which vehicle can reroute?
  • As explained in
  • How to let output printed the total time spend routing and average time per routing call?
  • According to your experience, the suitable frequency of calling rerouting is?



2) as you explained in 2),all vehicles   <route-files value="casemy.trips.xml"/>when entering the simulation (pre-insertion rerouting uses the departure as the first routing time)  but no further rerouting takes place due to the high period.

In my understanding,

  • if I use the trips   <route-files value="casemy.trips.xml"/> in .sumocfg file, the “reroute once” means route or generating the route    file firstly for inserted vehicles to let vehicles know edges they are scheduled to drive, and then, during the simulation the inserted vehicle will not reroute due to the high period;
  • if I have the trips file, how could I generate the route file randomly?
  • if I use the routes   <route-files value="casemy.rou.xml"/> in .sumocfg file, the “reroute once”  means reroute. In other words, SUMO will assign the fastest routes to all inserted vehicles according to the traffic condition at the inserted time point of vehicles.
  • Which algorithm does SUMO use to find the fastest routes when vehicles are going to enter into the simulation? The user equilibrium model, such as call duarouter.exe run in 50 interaction or other ones?

Appreciated in advance!

Best regards,

Jane Cheung

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