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Re: [sumo-user] The induction loop output do not match repeated vehicles (Flows)

Hi Giuliana,


I suppose number and vehsPerHour determine the flow per edge and not per lane. So, the flow of 2654 between 900 and 2700 for a 3-lane edge is equal to 2654 in half an hour or 5308 vehicle per hour or 1769 vehicle per hour per lane which is not higher than the amount you just mentioned (the capacity is usually 2400 veh/h/lane).

Am I right?





From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Maria.Armellini@xxxxxx
Sent: dinsdag 21 juli 2020 11:43
To: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [sumo-user] The induction loop output do not match repeated vehicles (Flows)


Hi Solmaz,


it could be that the flow is greater than the edge capacity. I think the capacity is usually 2400 veh/h/lane. So if you have a flow with begin 900 and end 2700 with more than 1200 veh/lane, it might not be possible to insert all the vehicles in this interval.


As for the difference between 308 and 323, are you placing the detectors right after where the flow starts? If not, there will be a difference due to time. The last vehicles in the flow interval may not be entering the induction loop in the correct interval because they arrive later.


If crashes or traffic jams are generated in your simulation, some vehicles may be vaporized and this may be another reason for your difference. Have you checked the simulation with sumo-gui or read the warnings to see if this is happening?





From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Solmaz Razmi Rad - CITG
Sent: Dienstag, 21. Juli 2020 10:14
To: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: [sumo-user] The induction loop output do not match repeated vehicles (Flows)


Dear all,


I have a question regarding Repeated vehicles (Flows). In the route file, I have determined the flow based on a number of vehicles. However, the induction loop shows that the number of vehicles is not according to what I have defined in the route file. This is how the flow looks like:


                <flow id="mainMV0" type="Dist" beg="0" end="900" departLane= "best"

                   departSpeed="desired" number="1327" from="ew" to="e5" />

                  <flow id="mainMV1" type="Dist" beg="900" end="2700" departLane= "best"

                   departSpeed="desired" number="2654" from="ew" to="e5" />

                  <flow id="mainMV2" type="Dist" beg="2700" end="3600" departLane= "best"

                   departSpeed="desired" number="1327" from="ew" to="e5" />


                  <flow id="mergeMV0" type="Dist" beg="0" end="900" number="161"

                   departSpeed="desired" from="ew0" to="e5" via= "e3 e4 e1 e2 "/>

                  <flow id="mergeMV1" type="Dist" beg="900" end="2700" number="323"

                   departSpeed="desired" from="ew0" to="e5" via= "e3 e4 e1 e2 "/>

                  <flow id="mergeMV2" type="Dist" beg="2700" end="3600" number="161"

                   departSpeed="desired" from="ew0" to="e5" via= "e3 e4 e1 e2 "/>


Based on this flow, there should be 2654 vehicles entering the main freeway while the induction loop shows 1782. Also, 323 vehicles should merge into the highway which induction loop shows 308. So, fewer vehicles have entered the simulation. The route file and the datafrom the induction loop is attached.

I have also tried using vehsPerHour. Still induction loop shows a different number.


Could anyone please let me know if I have done something wrong?





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