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Re: [sumo-user] Disconnected plan for person "0"
  • From: <Maria.Armellini@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 07:23:32 +0000
  • Accept-language: de-DE, en-US
  • Delivered-to: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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  • Thread-topic: [sumo-user] Disconnected plan for person "0"

Hi Tomoy,


You are getting the error "Error: Disconnected plan for person '0' (edge 'C4C3' != edge 'B1B2')" because you are saying that the person has to ride with vehicle 0_0 from 'C4C3' to 'B1B2' and then again from 'C4C3' to 'B1B2' with a taxi, so how does the person get back from 'B1B2' to 'C4C3'?


You can make the return trip by taxi:


  <person id="0" depart="0.00">

        <ride from="C4C3" to="B1B2" lines="0_0"/>

        <ride from="B1B2" to="C4C3" lines="taxi"/>



Or you can say that the person should walk to the start edge again and then take a taxi:


    <person id="0" depart="0.00">

        <ride from="C4C3" to="B1B2" lines="0_0"/>

        <walk from="B1B2" to="C4C3"/>

        <ride from="C4C3" to="B1B2" lines="taxi"/>



If you choose this option, you will have to add the pedestrian crossings to your net ( This can be done using netconvert with the following command:

netconvert -s --crossings.guess -o


I don’t understand why you define fixed routes for the taxis. If you are trying to simulate an on demand/ride hailing service this is not necessary. You can just give the first edge, from where the taxi will wait for a request:


<vType id="taxi" vClass="taxi" modes="taxi" triggered="person">

        <param key="" value="true"/>

        <param key="" value="3600"/>


    <trip id="taxi" type="taxi" depart="0.00" from="D2D3" to="D2D3">

        <stop lane="D2D3_1"/>







From: sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sumo-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tonmoy Das
Sent: Montag, 13. Juli 2020 19:26
To: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sumo-user] Disconnected plan for person "0"


Hello Everyone,


I have been trying to get intermodal routing PERSONTRIPS using different combination of modes=car taxi or taxi car, even after using explicitly defined taxi lines, I am still getting "Disconnected plan for person "0".


what should I do to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance.


P.S. I have attached the files in here.



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