User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.8.0
Hi Dillip,
for me it works (sometimes) with spyder3:
The first time it takes one try to connect.
The second time it complains about an existing connection (the
old sumo process is still sitting as Zombie (see ps al)
First run:
Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 27 2020, 15:53:34)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 7.13.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 287, in main
traci.load(['-c', 'run.sumo.cfg']) #only loads the
simulation or scenario, not starts
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/traci/",
line 186, in load
raise FatalTraCIError("Not connected.")
traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: Not connected.
TraCI program is unable to load the network
Retrying in 1 seconds
TraCI program starts the simulation successfully
At step: 500 total public count: 1100
Oldest Person 0 type 2 dest travel time -1073741824.0 distance
489.22347960083266 depart time 0.0
At step: 1000 total public count: 1629
Oldest Person 1000 type 2 dest travel time -1073741824.0
distance 1534.372550592121 depart time 400.0
At step: 1500 total public count: 1784
Oldest Person 1000 type 2 dest travel time -1073741824.0
distance 1534.372550592121 depart time 400.0
Error connection closed by SUMO in Previous Stage retrieval, so,
skip this personID: 2229
The known SUMO error
Second time
TraCI program is unable to load the network
Connection 'default' is already active.
Unexpected error: <class
TraCI program is unable to start the simulation
You can fix this by adding at the end of the python script a line
This terminates the sumo process properly
Greetings, Harald
Am 07.07.20 um 08:37 schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai:
Hello Harald,
I resolved the below issue by uninstalling and reinstalling
when I am trying to run the TraCI program from
Spyder3 (python IDE), it throws an error that it is unable
to connect to TraCI through X port, where X refers to
various port numbers.
Thank you so much for pointing out that I was missing
"make install" step.
Yesterday, I added this step and installed the new
version updated on July 25. Also, i have changed the
SUMO_HOME as instructed and updated this in my
.bash_profile. The sumo and TraCI are working from the
command line.
However, when I am trying to run the TraCI program from
Spyder3 (python IDE), it throws an error that it is unable
to connect to TraCI through X port, where X refers to
various port numbers. Could you please suggest, how to
resolve this issue? I would always prefer to run TraCI
from Spyder3 as it suppresses the SUMO warnings and
outputs the program related prints and errors.
thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout
On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at
15:16, Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Dillip,
your step 5 is the build step, not the installation
sudo mkdir sumo/build/cmake-build && cd sumo/build/cmake-build
sudo cmake ../..
sudo make -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
After installation I checked all directories
and also followed your instructions to find
install_manifest.txt file, however, I did not find
Now, could you please point out where the issue
thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout
On Mon, 6 Jul 2020
at 13:59, Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Dilip,
the install_manifest.txt seems to be created
only, if you build SUMO on Linux on your own
and issue at the end an install step.
If you install a pre-compiled development
version, this file might be missing.
Regards, Harald
Am 06.07.20 um 09:07 schrieb Tripplanner
Hello Herald,
I just installed the latest development version which was updated on July 5 (205 MB file) for Ubuntu 18.04.
I followed your instructions, also searched it manually, yet this install_manifest.txt files not exists in my installation. I guess that it may for particular
type of installation. The developer may have some insights.
thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout
On Mon, 6
Jul 2020 at 12:08, Harald Schaefer <fechsaer@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi Dilip,
You have to look in the
build-directory, where all your
sources are!
However, I failed to find install_manifest.txt file. I searched the entire $SUMO_HOME directory but it does not exist. Mention that I had installed
the latest development version which was updated on June 25.
Kinldy, recheck the development version if it carriesinstall_manifest.txt file.
thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 11:01, Michael
Behrisch <oss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
the file is called
install_manifest.txt and you find
it in the dir where
you built sumo (something like
sumo/build/cmake-build if you
the instructions). It is generated
by cmake automatically (at least
did nothing in our configuration
to trigger the creation
Best regards,
Am 19.06.20 um 07:21 schrieb
Tripplanner Mumbai:
> @Michael,
> I noticed that the
uninstalling instruction is
> I am currently using the
latest development version
(updated on June 15,
> 2020). I fell to find
manifest.txt in my installed sumo
directory. Is
> manifest.txt added recently
to the build files?
> regards,
> Dillip Rout
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 at 11:53,
Michael Behrisch <oss@xxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:oss@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
> Hi,
> cmake does not provide an
uninstall make target, so I added
> here:
> It boils down to running
> sudo xargs rm <
> from your build dir.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> Am 16.06.20 um 14:05
schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Recently, I
installed a sumo
(v1_6_0+0676-d20520c106) by the
> > instructions
(cloning and installing) given in
the page (on my Ubuntu
> > 18.04)
> >
> > Now, I want to
uninstall it and install the
latest development.
> > However, when I
tried the command: *sudo apt
remove --purge sumo*
> > It shows that no
SUMO is installed. Nonetheless,
when I typed the
> > command: *sumo
--version*, it shows me the
version of the SUMO.
> >
> > Can anyone suggest
how to uninstall my current
version, which was
> build
> > through cmake and
> >
> > thanks and regards,
> > Dillip Rout
> >
> >
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