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Re: [sumo-user] Simplifying Activity-Based Demand Generation

I recommend that you take a look at SAGA instead of activitygen (which is not being maintained for some years):

Am Do., 2. Juli 2020 um 15:15 Uhr schrieb Chris Abraham <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi everyone. I am fairly new to Sumo, and would like to know if the approach I am taking is correct.

I am trying to generate a simulation of a city using `ActivityGen`. I have most of the statistics needed for the stat file. However, I am struggling to fill in one part of the stat file - the part that asks for the distribution of Population and Work Positions.

I understand from the documentation that I need to provide this distributions for all the edges in the map... I don't have that much detail in the statistics I have gathered. But, since I live in the city, I can approximate the population and work distributions for each urban/suburban area in the city.

So what would be the next step for me, to get these approximated values into the stat file?

Would I need to make some polygons in the network to define the urban areas, then make a script which reads the edges contained in the urban areas. Then assign my approximated distributions to those edges and then write those edges into my stat file?

It's quite a bit of work, so that's why I would like to confirm with the community before I start. I would like to contribute the script, but don't want to duplicate work that maybe already exists.


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