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Re: [sumo-user] Output differences between TraCI & libsumo for mesosim

In your first post you mentioned that your scenario involves rerouting. Depending on the used options for the meso junction model the traffic states can differ significantly between meso and micro. This could lead to different routes and thus different distances. One way to investigate this would be to generate edgeData output for micro/meso, compare those with tools/output/ and then look at the differences in sumo-gui. The next step would be to observe the actual simulations at those spots that differ most in edgeData metrics such as 'speed'.

Am Mi., 1. Juli 2020 um 14:49 Uhr schrieb marcelreppi <marcelreppi@xxxxxxxxx>:
Thanks for your replies!

I have made another test which also showed the difference in values for meso
and micro.
The results are attached.

@Jakob: I am already using "--no-internal-links true" in my regular TraCI
scenario so I expected them to be equal.

@Michael: Here is the network and demand data for my scenario:

My TraCI code is quite complex so I did not include it.
If you still need it I can try to reduce it to the core and send it to you.

Thanks for your efforts!


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