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Re: [sumo-user] stop output and trip output do not match

Hello Jakob,
My apologies for misinterpreting your statements, thanks for your clarification. Yes, the analysis is true there are multiple persons with single or double riding.

Now, I am trying to extract the trip information using TraCI, but not successful right now. In Particular, I was trying to extract the following information from the previous stage.

         print("previous stage","type",prevStage.type,"dest",prevStage.destStop,"travel time", prevStage.travelTime, "distance",prevStage.length,"depart  time", prevStage.depart)

Unfortunately, the output does not contain all the required information, as shown below.
         previous stage type 3 dest busStop#12 travel time -1.0 distance 672.437702712895 depart time -0.001
As seen, travel time and depart time are negative, it is hard to interpret. I guess the distance shown is the distance of the ride covered in previous stage of the person. Further, depart time is a must field for my objective.

Could you please provide some insights so that I can get the values of all fields of previous stage?

thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout

On Tue, 30 Jun 2020 at 12:21, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I never claimed that trip-output == stop-output - running, only that persons still running are responsible for trip-output != stop-output.
This is because a person that is still in the simulation may have previously taken any number of rides and all of those are missing from the trip-output.

As the result of sumo/tools/route/ -r persontrips.rou.xml shows, there are a number of persons with multiple rides:

Loaded 9000 persons
   1: walk public public walk public walk
  31: walk public walk public walk
  75: walk public public walk
2154: walk public walk
6739: walk

Am Di., 30. Juni 2020 um 08:01 Uhr schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai <tripplanner.dr@xxxxxxxxx>:
I ran it again using the TraCI program and the log says the following.
           Persons: [Inserted: 9000, Running: 28, Jammed: 167]          
Possibly, you are pointing out to Running: 28 which is the discrepancy.

Furthermore, I share the following counts of rides got from the execution:
          2334 trip-output
          2341 stop-output
          2341 TraCI program log

Clearly, the ride statistics from the simulation matches the trip-output count:
          Ride Statistics (avg of 2334 rides): [WaitingTime: 205.01, RouteLength: 505.21, Duration: 100.75, Bus: 2334]

However, the ride count is note balanced as per your recommendation, i.e., trip-output == stop-output - running. On the other hand, stop-output == TraCI count, which is only about the completed rides (not the entire trips).
Looks like I have to extract some more information from TraCI to get the desired result. Meanwhile, if you have some more clarification and suggestions, please let me know.

thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout

On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 17:54, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When I run your simulation (run.sumocfg), I get 2341 loaded/unloaded persons in stop-output.
I used -e stopinfo -a loadedPersons stops-out.xml -p 5
and this gives 622 stops with an average of  3.76367 loaded/unloaded

At the end time of 36000 there are still 28 persons in the simulation according to the log.
You can also check this by comparing the input count (9000 persons) to the tripinfo output count (8972 persons).

Looking at the simulation reveals that these persons are waiting at a busStop after all buses have already left. Some of them such as person 6064 have already used a bus by that time which creates a discrepancy between loadedPersons and ride count in tripinfo-output.

The pedestrian collisions are (among other things) caused by vehicles that drive on the sidewalks due to being configured with vClass="ignoring".
The pedestrian jamming (which could be caused by mis-dimensioned sidewalks/crossings) could be responsible for persons missing their buses.


Am Mo., 29. Juni 2020 um 10:21 Uhr schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai <tripplanner.dr@xxxxxxxxx>:
"tripinfo-output only contains persons that have completed their whole itinerary (all walks and rides)"
The above may be true, but your later statements explain the issues partially. I changed the time from 3600 to 36000, and also, restored the bus route input file. However, I still find that stop-output contains 2318 boarding and alighting, whereas trip-output contains 2310 trips for passengers. I suspected that maybe those 8 passengers are stuck in jams and/or collisions. To my surprise, I found that the number of jams and collisions are certainly more than 8 (at least 5 times of it). Then, what is the reason for having such a gap between stop-output count and trip-output count.

When I ran the same simulation using TraCI, I found that total trips on buses 2341.

I am attaching the latest network which I used for simulation in the command line as well as in TraCI. Please recheck, there might be some issues in the software itself ( I am using a version which was updated on June 25, 2020).

On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 11:52, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
tripinfo-output only contains persons that have completed their whole itinerary (all walks and rides). Since your configuration ends the simulation at step 3600 it will prevent output of all persons still travelling at that time even though they already rode a bus and thus show up in the stop-output.

Am Fr., 26. Juni 2020 um 10:35 Uhr schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai <tripplanner.dr@xxxxxxxxx>:
Again, I tried this with the latest development version of SUMO which was updated on June 25, 2020. However, the same issue continues, i.e., the number of boarded and alighted persons in stop output is more than the number of records in trip output.
Kindly, look into it at earliest.
thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout

On Wed, 24 Jun 2020 at 17:20, Tripplanner Mumbai <tripplanner.dr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Recently, I implemented public transit lines in SUMO. I encountered that the number of passengers boarded at a stop according to stop output, does not  match with the number of passengers making successful trips according to trip output. I was assuming that every passenger who boards into some bus at any stop has an entry in trip output as well. I tried with TraCI as well as a simple command line, but in either case, I found that the passenger count varies. Typically, the total number passengers boarded (as per stop output) is greater than the total number of passengers in the trip output. However, when I extracted additional data through TraCI, then I found that the number of passengers at various stops as per stop output is the same as the extracted information about each passenger through TraCI.

I am attaching my network along with TraCI code ( to be tested by others. Also, I am attaching a few csv files which I have extracted from the xml output files for easier reference.

Please clarify if the stop output count of passengers has to be the same as the number of trips as per trip output or not.

thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout

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