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Re: [sumo-user] SUMO: Queries


1) Yes. You can use fromXY and fromLonLat to define vehicle trips: see
2) Yes. You can define a route that consists of only two non-consecutive edges. A new vehicle with such a route will infer that it must find a route between both edges (i.e. it will be treated like a trip definition).
3) traci._vehicle is the internal module that holds the code (you cannot use this directly). traci.vehicle is an object constructed at runtime based on _vehicle which you need to use in order to make traci calls


Am Sa., 27. Juni 2020 um 10:19 Uhr schrieb Padisala, Shanthan Kumar <padisala.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello everyone,

I am new to SUMO and I have a few queries on using it:
  1. Is there any function that creates a routes file if we just input initial and final points?
  2. Is there any way to add routes or trips into the SUMO by using TraCI commands, similar to adding vehicles into SUMO simulation using the command - 'traci.vehicle.add()'?
  3. What is the difference between 'traci.vehicle.' and 'traci._vehicle.' and why do both of these have different functions in them?
Thanks and Regards,
Shanthan Kumar Padisala

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