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[sumo-user] conservation of vehicles to one edge to the following?


Supposing that I run an one hour simulation for a road network including 10 edges (different length for each edge) while traffic lights are also included,  
I define in the rou.xml file the following
<flow id="1" type="car" from="1" to="5" vehsPerHour="100" begin=“0" end=“3600" departLane="best" departSpeed="max"></flow>
  <flow id=“2" type="car" from=“6" to=“10" vehsPerHour=“200" begin=“0" end=“3600" departLane="best" departSpeed="max"></flow>

During the one hour simulation, do I finally have conservation of the number of vehicles from one edge to the following one for each flow (i.e. from 1 to 5 and from 6 to 10) ?
Is it possible to check  the total number of vehicles circulating in each edge?

Thank you 

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