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[sumo-user] repeating public transit routes

Thanks  @namdre

I would like 70 buses to repeat a 40km loop stopping at defined busstops along the way.
I tried re-router but I cant make the bus stop the second time around.

I tried to figure out a config that matches your suggestion.(just below).

May I ask for a sample config of a repeating transit bus.

Thanks everyone.

Notes from Github:
I'm not sure what your question is.
  • if you want to keep the same vehicle circulation (vehicle id stays the same) then you can either
    • define a vehicle or trip with lots of repeating stops
    • define a route that loops back to the start once and uses attribute 'repeat'. then assign that route to a vehicle
  • if you want to keep sending a new vehicle on the same route repeatedly you can use a flow.

Of course, both things can be combined if you want multiple vehicles running the same repeating loop.



For clarification regarding repeating PT.
I am wanting to have the same type vehicle repeat its route.

I tried repeating edges and stops in router and flow.
I think I misunderstood your comments regarding this question:

    <flow id="f1" color="1,1,0"  begin="0" end= "3600" period="30" type="12passenger">
        <route edges="north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>

    <route id="r_north_to_city" edges="north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1">
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
        <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>

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