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Re: [sumo-user] macroscopic fundamental diagram

For creating the FD, see
Regarding your general validation question, you should first figure out what kind of ground truth data you can get. Obtaining the same kind of data from a simulation is usually the easy part.

Am Mo., 8. Juni 2020 um 15:26 Uhr schrieb Tetris <schmelter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I thought it was interesting to compare variations of my simulation (various
amounts of vehicles) using macroscopic fundamental diagrams. But I am not
sure about the workflow.

If I want to investigate one hour of a simulation, should the freq of
edgeData output be set to 3600?
Or should freq be set to 60 or 1? And the next step would be to get
"density", "entered" (flow) and "speed" with a script from the xml to excel
and then into matlab to plot the fundamental diagram? Every edge of the
network should have a density, entered and speed column itself? Or should I
take every value of the interval and calculate the average for every
interval (eg one second or one minute of the simulation)?

Is there an easier way to get the fundamental diagram?

Is it also meaningful to get a fundamental diagram of just one edge? Or the
average speed of all vehicles in the simulation? What I originally wanted to
achieve is evidence of good applicability to the real world and find out
which simulation is the best. I already compared the travel time and speed
for one vehicle. Is it adequate to take a look at just one vehicle (which is
of course influenced by all the other vehicles) to validate the simulation
or should the values of all the other vehicles be taken into account too?

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